About Molly and Friends
Molly and Friends Cat Furniture is a U.S. based wholesale company that truly invests time and effort into creating products that are safe and loved by cats of all ages! We maintain the integrity that pet owners everywhere will appreciate the quality craftsmanship and security embedded in our furniture. We want our furniture to not only look great but also be incomparable in the industry when it comes to durability. We make no exceptions to this rule and have become known for providing a cat furniture brand with “muscle” enjoyed by many cats and owners everywhere!
Molly Mission
Wherever cat furniture is sold, Molly and Friends believes that a high-end, high-quality and affordable option should be provided to the customer. Molly and Friends premium handmade cat furniture is this option and carries a tradition of excellence our customers deserve and enjoy!
Our History
Molly and Friends is located in the north-central town of Gainesville, Florida. Initially, Molly and Friends was a small mom-and-pop operation which began in 1997. The original owners’ favorite cat, Molly, was the namesake of the company and impetus for its beginnings. The brand of homemade and handmade quality cat furniture started catching the eyes of passersby who noticed the furniture as they drove past. People would finally stop in and say, “I’ve been driving past for weeks now and just had to stop in to see what you were doing… Is this cat furniture? I thought so… I have two cats… This is nice stuff… I want one like this… Can you add a level up here?” And so on. It went on like this for the next couple years, with people stopping in and telling their friends, and those friends stopping in then telling their friends about the little cat furniture shop up on 6th Street. With growing success and local popularity, it was decided that growing the customer base as a wholesaler and focusing sales to retail outlets like pet shops and internet resellers would be the most effective means towards growing the business and spreading efforts outward. Soon after, Molly and Friends established a focus on manufacturing amazing products for retailers nationwide. Out of this outward effort was born the “Molly Mission”. It just seemed right that Molly and Friends be the standard and choice for premium handmade cat furniture anywhere cat furniture was sold.